Hitchcok placed himself in all his movies(girdle ad in newspaper in Life Boat which was entirely set on a small craft)...so you will have to wait for the restaurant connection for this entry but it is there.I had a dream last night. In it I was waiting for a focus group to be held at NBC in a tug boat like amphitheatre [please analysts put it aside for the sake of restaurant nostalgia} and i
found myself in a seating circle with several writers and Imogene Coca,co star of Sid Caesars TV ,Show of Shows. We chatted about skits they conceived and they invited me to lunch. They entered the elevator before I could tell them that i was such a fan that when other kids wrote about Julius Caesar my son had written his bio essay in 6th grade about Sid. Where would we have gone to lunch, I wondered after I awoke? Forum of the Xll Caesars, I realized--i had once seen Bob Newhart there.
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