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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Terra 200 Connaught Drive. Jasper, Alberta,Canada

We didn't know the town would celebrate  Canada  Day  and given all the concerns about covid not sure how long Jasper knew they would. They did inn grand fashion. Our first clue was seeing the masses rushing to reach the route for the parade. At 330. we were hungry and not feeling the urge for fried fast.

In the distance i could see the sign TERRA. Land! Farming? Veggies? Jeanne would love it (if the clue didn't bring us to a plant store. Got to this place run by a company called Pursuit. It was a restaurant and a new one, but there was a "closed" sign near the dining area. I asked anyway and was pleasantly surprised to learn opening was minutes away. Adding joy was the menu. Jeanne's favorite: fried green tomatoes.

The table was prime with a window view of the street and mountains and passing freight trains. Corn ribs= cob quarters mopped in butter and  cheese.

Hot Sour Dough
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CORN RIBS

                                                 Fried green tomatoes don't count as fried food.
                 Fried green tomatoes don't count as fried food.

                                             Two photos above show Kohlrabi  a root vegetable that was new to me...

                                              not Jeanne. It was firm and absorbed the sauce and creamed cauliflower                                                  nicely. Still working on a terra firmer joke. Will get back to you.

This photo is the second in a series I call "Do I miss full time work?"

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