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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stone Park and the Night of the slider reprise

Beet salad

Slider 1


slider 2

The Jug Addicts

bottom up:Frank ,Eric eats,Nadine,Harry

l to r: Tim, Frank, ericeats
Nadine sent some photo reminders of a great night. Stone Park history was made that night when Nadine order a rib slider as an appetizer and then doubled down for desert. What a tribute to this succulent star
in the TWO JOSHES' firmament. There was the gnocchi and beet salad too and a fine time with Bill Carney's Jug Addicts at Barbes including Shawn with his red hair and Sunnyside Bushwick roots. Jeanne was there for the dinner and Harry and Tim and frank.

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